Tutoring designed for you.
Experience tailored tutoring that adapts to your learning style, focuses on your unique challenges, and helps you achieve your goals.
Success Stories
How It Works
Who are the tutors?
We interview and audition 99th-percentile SAT tutors, choose the very best, and train them to make them better.
What happens after I sign up?
You'll receive an email or text message to schedule our first session. Our students meet with their tutors at a consistent time. However, we understand that things happen. Please provide at least 24 hour notice to cancel or reschedule a session. Short notice will result in being fully charged for the session.
What are the sessions like?
Our SAT tutors are coaches, not explainers. Each session is focused on a clear goal, like trigonometry or testing strategy. We evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and tailor sessions based on your needs and progress. After each session, our tutors will assign homework for you to complete prior to the next session, such as timed practice sections or concept-based practice questions.
How do the sessions work?
Sessions take place via Zoom or Google Meet. Our tutors share their iPad's screen to help you visualize concepts. After each session, the notes taken by the tutors, along with homework assignments and progress reports, are posted on a Notion page dedicated just for you (and your parents).